Maxine McArthur & Dona Maree Hanson (eds)

Encounters  (Strange Horizons, 8 November 2005)

Rose Macaulay

What Not (Strange Horizons, 8 April 2019)

Paul McAuley

Eternal Light  (Vector 162, August-September 1991)
Little Machines  (Strange Horizons, 1 October 2006)
Cowboy Angels  (SF Site, December 2007) & Cowboy Angels (Foundation 102, Spring 2008)
The Quiet War  (SF Site, February 2009)
In the Mouth of the Whale  (Strange Horizons, 23 April 2012) 
Evening's Empires  (Interzone 249, November-December 2013) 
Into Everywhere (Interzone 265, July-August 2016)
Beyond the Burn Line (Interzone Digital, November 2023)

Larry McCaffery (ed)

Storming the Reality Studio  (Vector 169, October-November 1992)

Cormac McCarthy

The Road  (Strange Horizons, 26 March 2007)

Pamela McCorduck & H. Penny Nii

The Rise of the Expert Company  (Personal Computer World, August 1989)

Frank McConnell

The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science: Collected Essays on SF Storytelling and the Gnostic Imagination  (SF Site, August 2009)

Eric McCormack

Inspecting the Vaults  (Vector 141, December 1987-January 1988)

Jack McDevitt

Outbound  (New York Review of Science Fiction 232, December 2007)

Ian McDonald

Cyberabad Days  (SF Site, August 2009)
The Dervish House  (SF Site, October 2010) 
Planesrunner  (SF Site, mid-February 2012) 
Be My Enemy  (SF Site, June 2013) 
Hopeland (Interzone 295, September 2023)

Kate Macdonald (ed)

Political Future Fiction: Speculative and Counter-Factual Politics in Edwardian Fiction  (Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, v26 no1, 2015)

Marjorie Macgoye

Coming to Birth  (Fiction Magazine, June 1986)

Maureen F. McHugh

After the Apocalypse  (Strange Horizons, 4 January 2012)

Will McIntosh

Love Minus Eighty  (Interzone 248, September-October 2013)

Vonda N. McIntyre (ed)

Nebula Awards Showcase 2004 (Through the Dark Labyrinth, 5 September 2013)

Ian R. MacLeod

Red Snow  (Locus 677, June 2017)

Ken MacLeod

Giant Lizards from Another Star  (New York Review of Science Fiction 222, February 2007)
The Execution Channel  (Strange Horizons, 4 June 2007)
The Night Sessions  (Vector 258, Winter 2008)
Descent  (Interzone 252, May-June 2014) 

Ken MacLeod & Iain Banks

Poems  (Foundation 122, December 2015)

Louis Maistros

The Sound of Building Coffins  (Strange Horizons, 10 April 2009)

Barry N. Malzburg (ed)

The Best Time Travel Stories of All Time  (Vector 230, July-August 2003)

George Mann (ed)

The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction  (Interzone 209, April 2007)

Phillip Mann

The Eye of the Queen & Master of Paxwax  (Paperback Inferno 76, February-March 1989)

Hilary Mantel

Wolf Hall  (Big Other, 8 August 2010)

Paul March-Russell

Modernism and Science Fiction  (Foundation 125, 2016)
J.G. Ballard’s Crash (BSFA Review 25. Winter 2024)

paul March-Russell & Andrew M. Butler (eds)

Rendezvous with Arthur C. Clarke: Centenary Essays (BSFA Review 20, Spring 2023)

George R.R. Martin

Tuf Voyaging  (Critical Wave 6, July-August 1988)

Anita Mason

The War Against Chaos  (Vector 147, December 1988-January 1989)

Barbara Masterton

Island of Glass  (Fiction Magazine, June 1986)

Beth Meacham (ed)

Terry's Universe  (Vector 148, February-March 1989)

John Meaney

To Hold Infinity  (Vector 202, November-December 1998)

James Melville

Go Gently Gaijin  (Fiction Magazine, October 1986)

Farah Mendlesohn

The Inter-Galactic Playground: A Critical Study of Children's and Teen's Science Fiction  (Vector 262, Winter 2010)
Rhetorics of Fantasy  (Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts Vol 20, No 2, 2010) 

Farah Mendlesohn (ed)

On Joanna Russ  (SF Site, Mid-November 2009)

China Miéville

Un Lun Dun  (SF Site, Mid-March 2007)
The City and the City  (Big Other, 3 May 2010) 
Embassytown  (Interzone 235, July-August 2011) 
Railsea  (SF Site, mid-October 2012) 

Gavin Miller

Alasdair Gray: The Fiction of Communion (Science Fiction Studies 104, March 2008)

Sue Miller

The Good Mother  (Fiction Magazine, July 1986)

Steven Millhauser

Dangerous Laughter: 13 Stories  (Strange Horizons, 20 October 2008)
Voices in the Night  (Strange Horizons, 22 April 2016)

John Milne

Dead Birds  (Fiction Magazine, October 1986)

David Mitchell

Cloud Atlas  (Vector 238, November-December 2004)
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet  (Big Other, 30 June 2010)
Slade House  (Los Angeles Review of Books, 28 October 2015) 

Naomi Mitchison

Travel Light  (SF Site, January 2007)

Mink Mole & Dr Adder

Alligator Alley  (Foundation 47, Winter 1989/90)

Michael Moorcock

Letters from Hollywood  (Vector 135, December 1986-January 1987)

C.L. Moore

Northwest of Earth  (SF Site, April 2009)

Christopher Moore

The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove  (The New York Review of Science Fiction 137, January 2000)

Glyn MORGAN & C. Palmer-Patel (eds)

Sideways in Time: Critical Essays on Alternate History Fiction (BSFA Review 10, Summer 2020)

Richard Morgan

Broken Angels  (New York Review of SF 194, October 2004)

Jan Morris

Hav  (Vector 250, January-February 2007)

James Morrow

Shambling Towards Hiroshima  (SF Site, Mid-June 2009)

James Morrow & Kathryn Morrow (eds)

The SFWA European Hall of Fame  (New York Review of Science Fiction 234, February 2008)

Donald E. Morse & Kálmán Matolcsy (eds)

The Mythic Fantasy of Robert Holdstock: Critical Essays on the Fiction  (SF Site, mid-October 2011)

Sarah Moss

Cold Earth  (Strange Horizons, 21 April 2010)

Jim Munroe

Flyboy Action Figure comes with Gasmask  (The New York Review of Science Fiction 139, March 2000)

Nina Munteanu

A Diary in the Age of Water (BSFA Review 13, Spring 2021)

Pat Murphy

The Wild Girls  (SF Site, Mid-October 2007)