What it is we do when we read science fiction
by Paul Kincaid
Beccon Publications
2008, £15
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Shortlisted for:
Hugo Award for Related Book
BSFA Award for Non-Fiction
Locus Award for Non-Fiction
BFS Award for Non-Fiction
iii - Acknowledgements
v - Introducing Paul Kincaid - by David Langford
3 - What it is we do when we read Science Fiction
[first published in Acnestis, March 1996. This revised and considerably expanded version was delivered as a talk at Aussiecon III, the 1999 World Science Fiction Convention, and published in Foundation 78 (Spring 2000)]
13 - On the Origins of Genre
[first published in Extrapolation Vol.44 No.4, Winter 2003; reprinted in Speculations on Speculation: Theories of Science Fiction edited by James Gunn and Matthew Candelaria, Lanham, Maryland, The Scarecrow Press, 2005.]
25 - Anatomising Science Fiction
[review of the second edition of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction edited by Clute & Nicholls, first published in Vector 173, June/July 1993.]
29 - How Hard is SF?
[review of The Ascent of Wonder edited by Hartwell & Cramer, first published in Vector 182, Spring 1995.]
41 - The New Hard Men of SF
[review of The Hard SF Renaissance edited by Hartwell & Cramer, first published in Vector, May/June 2004.]
49 - Mistah Kurtz, He Dead
[an earlier version of article was delivered as a talk at Intuition, the 1998 British National Science Fiction Convention, and was published in Steam Engine Time 1, April 2000.]
61 - The North-South Continuum
[first published in Steam Engine Time 2, November 2001.]
75 - A Year at its Best?
[review of The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Eighteenth Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois, The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection edited by Datlow & Windling, Year’s Best Fantasy edited by Hartwell & Cramer and Year’s Best SF 6 edited by Hartwell, first published in The New York Review of Science Fiction, February 2002.]
89 - Blank pages: Islands and Identity in the Fiction of Christopher Priest
[first published in Christopher Priest: The Interaction edited by Andrew M. Butler, London, The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005]
107 - Mirrors, Doubles, Twins
[first published in two parts in Vector 206, July-August 1999 and Vector 209, January-February 2000.]
129 - "The Discharge"
[first published on the EDSF Project; reprinted in Vector 245, January/February 2005.]
133 - 10/10 May/May: Singling Out the Duplication in The Separation
[paper delivered at Interaction, the 2005 World Science Fiction Convention; published in Steam Engine Time 5, 2006.]
141 - Islomania? Insularity?: The Myth of the Island in British Science Fiction
[first published in Extrapolation, Winter 2007.]
149 - Apres moi . . .
[review of Deluge by Sydney Fowler Wright, first published in Science Fiction Studies 95, March 2005.]
153 - Elegy
[review of The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke, first published in Vector 217, May/June 2001.]
157 - Touching the Earth
[first published in the Programme Book for Speculation, the 1991 British National Science Fiction Convention, then expanded to incorporate material from ‘The Novels of Robert Holdstock,’ Arena SF 9, 1979.]
165 - Inside Chris Evans
[written for the Programme Book for Seacon 03, the British National Science Fiction Convention in 2003.]
173 - The Furies
[previously unpublished, it was intended as the first chapter of a book on Keith Roberts that never happened.]
189 - Maps of a Curious Sort: Landscape in the Fiction of Keith Roberts
[paper delivered at A Celebration of British SF, 2001; published in Foundation 93, Spring 2005.]
197 - In the Pickle Jar: Appleseed or Mimesis
[first published in Polder: A Festschrift for John Clute and Judith Clute edited by Farah Mendlesohn, Baltimore, Old Earth Books, 2006.]
207 - Secret Maps
[originally published as two separate articles in Foundation 57 (Spring 1993) and Foundation 58 (Summer 1993).]
237 - Exhibits
[a slightly shorter version of this essay appeared in Banana Wings 14, August 1999.]
255 - Entering the Labyrinth
[first published in Vector 205, May/June 1999.]
267 - Emptiness Gets Into You
[review of Fremder, Mr Rinyo-Clacton’s Offer, Angelica’s Grotto and Amaryllis Night and Day by Russell Hoban, first published in The New York Review of Science Fiction, January 2002.]
273 - Forever Haldeman
[previously unpublished review of The Forever War, Forever Free and Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman]
277 - A Mode of Head-on Collision: George Turner's Critical Relationship with Science Fiction
[first published in Science Fiction Studies 100, November 2006.]
291 - Heterotopic Borders
[review of Storming the Reality Studio edited by Larry McCaffery, first published in Vector 169, October/November 1992.]
297 - Images of the Fall
[previously unpublished]
307 - We Joke for Gods
[previously unpublished]
321 - False Dog
[first published in A Fanzine for Pat, 1996.]
325 - Attending Daedalus
[review of Attending Daedalus: Gene Wolfe, Artifice and the Reader by Peter Wright, first published in Foundation 92, Autumn 2004.]
VII : 1 APRIL 1984
331 - By-ways of the Shining Path
[first published in Paperback Inferno 53, dated 1 April 1985.]
335 - Notes
339 - Sources
343 - Bibliography
351 - Index - compiled by Leigh Kennedy Priest